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Verify zhell you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Xhell to the MSDN forum. Please go through with following (imnimum) to troubleshooting it:. If this issue still persists, I need your help to the VS installation log.

After using it, you will find vslogs. Please feel free to let me know if it works to visuzl. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. How is going? Are you microsoft visual studio 2015 shell (minimum) interop assemblies download free download VS successful or not?

The content you requested has been removed. Learn More. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Visual Assmblies Setup and Installation.

Sign in to vote. The problem occurs after I repair my vs,because I’ve uninstall it for several times, I have no idea what Ive посмотреть еще, and I dont want to reinstall my win Saturday, May 4, PM.

Create a backup of the registry!! Right-mouse click on the key and click ‘Permissions’. Grant FULL access to this folder, and check the box to allow the same permission to be granted to this key’s sub-folders descendants. Exit the registry, and repair VS again. Run Fix it tool to fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed. Since installing visual studio requires your windows updated to the latest. Disable your anti-virus software, and продолжить чтение the setup as administrator.

Sunday, May 5, AM. Hi Dong, How is going? Tuesday, May 7, Microsoft visual studio 2015 shell (minimum) interop assemblies download free download.



Microsoft visual studio 2015 shell (minimum) interop assemblies download free download


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AuthenticationManager class. More details follow below. Checking if Legacy Auth is disabled. It could be possible that this is setting is set to true but Legacy Authentication is blocked via conditional access policies set by your tenant administrator.

Below is an example of the response you will see in fiddler. Alternatively, Legacy Authentication is enabled and there are no Conditional access policies blocking the authentication but the SharePointOnlineCredentials still fails. This would be most likely due to Multi Factor Authentication on that user account. This can be easily verified by performing a login with that user account to the SharePoint site in the browser preferably an In-Private browsing session.

Using the OfficeDevPnP. AuthenticationManager to authenticate. We need to download specific versions of assemblies for using the OfficeDevPnP.

You can get these from the Nuget package site. Download the file and rename to. zip extension. Extract the contents on the zip files. We will be referencing this in the Powershell script. Below is the code sample demonstrating using the OfficeDevPnP. AuthenticationManager class for authentication. You can see that we are using Connect-SPOService command first.

This will cause the authentication prompt and allow the user to successfully authenticate even if the legacy auth is disabled or multi factor auth enabled. This return back a ClientContext object that uses the same credentials allowing the CSOM calls to authenticate successfully now.

Note that user will need to enter credential every time the powershell script executes in a new PowerShell console session. This approach is not feasible if you have a PowerShell script executing in background without user interaction like a scheduled task. In that case you need to use app only authentication approach using Client id and client secret. 電力自由化をはじめとする「電力システム改革」が、国を挙げてすすめられています。資源エネルギー庁の 年報告によれば、 年から 2 年間で 万件の世帯、事業者が新電力への切り替えを選択し、 の事業者があらたに電力小売事業に参入しています。激しさを増す競争下において、既存の電力事業者は、サービス価値の向上なくしてプレゼンスを維持することが困難になりつつあります。.

こうした状況の中、東京電力ホールディングスのグループ会社で首都圏の送配電事業を担う東京電力パワーグリッド( 以下、東電PG )は、先進技術である AI の活用に取り組んでいます。同社では、これまで 1, 時間以上かけて目視でおこなってきた電線の点検作業を、Microsoft Azure をプラットフォームにした AI システムによって自動化。工数およびコストを大幅に削減することで、「電力の安定供給」と「託送コストの低減」といったサービスの高価値化を加速させているのです。. この記事は、 年 1 月 16 日 に Data Platform Tech Sales Team Blog にて公開された内容です。.

Microsoft Japan Business Intelligence Tech Sales Team 伊藤. 以前の記事 [Power BI] DAX入門 2 カレンダーテーブルの作成 にてカレンダーテーブル 日付マスタ の必要性とその作り方をご紹介しています。このカレンダーテーブルを使うには、分析対象のデータに結合するための列、すなわち日付型の列が必要です。. Beyondsoft Calendar. Calendar by Tallan. 今回は、こんなに便利な日付型の列を作成する方法をクエリ エディターと DAX の2通りでご紹介します。ただし DAX は 年 3 月 1 日以降の日付をサポートするため、それ以前のデータを含む場合はクエリ エディターを使用します 。.

DATE 関数 を使用すれば、一発で解決します。[新しい列] で次のような式を入力します。. 例1 で使った DATE 関数 を使いますが、その引数となるデータを作るには、割り算や MOD 関数 を使うことも、文字列のように LEFT 関数 、 RIGHT 関数 を使うこともできます 暗黙的な型変換が行われます 。ここで紹介する以外にも色々な方法があると思います。. MOD 関数 は、1 つ目の引数を 2 つ目の引数で割った余りを返します。 で割った余りで、整数部の下 2 桁を取得します。. この記事は、 年 7 月 13 日 に Data Platform Tech Sales Team Blog にて公開された内容です。.

R とは、主にターミナル画面で実行する記述統計、予測分析、機械学習を行うための言語環境です。R の大きな特徴として、パッケージと呼ばれる命令セットの中に上記のような統計、機械学習機能の他に、データや予測結果データの可視化を行う 「plot」(本体に付属)や「ggplot2」(ggplot)と呼ばれる可視化パッケージがあります。plot も ggplot も Power BI の「R スクリプト ビジュアル」から直接実行することができ、Power BI のフィルタやスケールの機能にも対応します。が、非常に複雑な書式が要求されるうえ、静的な可視化のみ対応する(png形式で出力されます)ため、グラフ内でのデータ絞り込みやグラフ上にマウスをホバーした際の値の取得のようなインタラクティブな機能や、グラフの一部を拡大するなどの可視化支援機能は利用できません。.

Rについての日本語での解説は こちら のページをご覧ください。このページは R の黎明期から利用されている有志による日本語解説サイトです。また Plotly については こちら のページに詳細が説明されています。. いかがでしたか?デフォルトの Power BI でもかなりの表現は可能ですが、R と Plotly を使うことで更に可視化の表現が広がるかと思います。ここではスペースの都合でカスタム ビジュアルの作成方法の詳細は掲載できませんでしたが、以下の Github 上に実際の手順とサンプルスクリプトを用意しております。ご興味ありましたら是非チャレンジしてみてください!.

カスタム ビジュアルそのものをもっと知りたい方は、以下の Qiita の連載記事も非常に参考になります。こちらも併せてご参照ください。特に capability. json の詳細などを日本語化して説明されているので、理解が深まるかと思います。. One of the questions I am asked most often in my role as Server Guy is What is this hybrid cloud, and why do I need one, how will it help me…. oh and what will it cost me? To be able to offer advice, I need to unpick that sentence into its parts and answer them all separately. NIST US National Institute of Science an Technology defines Cloud computing as consisting of the following 5 essential characteristics that can appear in 4 deployment models, one of which is Hybrid.

Rather than describe each you can read the NIST definition here page 2 is your target. It is safe to say that the Microsoft Azure platform has all of these characteristics and then some.

Again rather than describe all four models you can read them in the NIST definition on page 3, here. We can see straight away that a single on-premises server or even a number of servers cannot be said to be a hybrid cloud.

For that we would need to deploy the Microsoft Azure Stack solution and connect it to a second cloud Azure or AWS to make a hybrid cloud.

So, in the title I mention hybrid platform. That then is not intended to be a hybrid cloud merely a way of connecting on-premises Windows Servers to available cloud services to bridge the gap and reduce some of the pain points in modern computing platforms.

Microsoft Windows Server and soon to be offers a number of ways you can take advantage of hybrid features. This post is aimed at explaining a couple of these to gain maximum effect for minimum time and cost.

The rest of this post is a cut-down technical how-to article you have been warned. Windows Server and Microsoft Azure provide some excellent solutions to help with these. The new Windows Admin Center also now integrates with these services to make deployment and management much easier in future.

The first step, however, is to create an azure subscription to be able to use all those hybrid services. You can choose to use one you already have, pick a free trial or create a pay as you go subscription.

On your on-premises Windows Server install Windows Server Backup, either with PowerShell or with Server Manager or Windows Admin Center if you have installed it.

Configure your normal on-premises backups which should already have been done! Next, we need to create the resources in Azure to support the hybrid backup. You need to create a Recovery Services Vault, this holds the data from backups and also site recovery plans. This can be done in PowerShell, Azure CLI or the Portal. You can also use JSON templates to do this in any of the methods.

Azure is nothing if not flexible in its usability. com and this was the result. Next click the getting started link in the Backup section, as shown and create a backup, choose the platform Azure or on-premises and then pick what you want to backup. The list is impressive. I will choose system state and files and folders.

I then get to prepare the infrastructure. To prepare your infrastructure for these options, you need to install the recovery services agent on the machine you are backing up. You then need to connect the server to the recovery vault by downloading and importing the vault credentials. The final step is to schedule your hybrid backup using Windows Server backup on the on-premises server. From then on you can monitor these backup jobs in the Azure portal and also configure alerts and reports for backup failures.

and the result in the Azure portal. Having created our first Hybrid workload, future posts will help with others such as Azure File Sync, Azure Site Recovery and so on.

There really is no better time to delve into the hybrid world with Windows Server. Well in terms of time, this whole hybrid solution from start to finish starting with an on-premises server and an Azure subscription ready to go0 took less than 20 minutes, including the first backup! In terms of cost. You pay for the storage your backups consume, as below 9LRS is local redundancy 3 copies and GRS is geographical redundancy 6 copies.

You also pay for the backup instances you are running, as below. All in all not a huge cost for an added level of comfort and data security, redundancy and rapid recovery. Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week. As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed. The article to have the most change this week was Exchange EWS: Supporting Microsoft LAPS , by mahelsay.

Says: Do you know how to implement Microsoft LAPS in your environment, check this useful article. This week’s largest document to get some attention is Animation Using Angular 6 , by AnkitSharma This week’s reviser was Richard Mueller. Says: Using Angular 6 how to create animation, a great explanation with good content and well formatted. Nice article Ankit, well done. This week’s most fiddled with article is Windows How to configure Speech Recognition , by S.

It was revised 12 times last week. Says: Speech Recognition allows you to control your PC with your voice alone, great explanation Soumitra with well written article. I traced that path and I didn’t find that folder it is looking for. So I installed the extension again, I looked for the dll, and copied the containing folder contents to the folder Visual Studio is looking for.

Firstable, you need to be sure have the last Microsoft. NET Framework version, in my case, I had the 4. NET Framework 4. Since this is the top SO result in google for this issue, I’m going to leave my fix here for VS when experiencing this issue. I found it is commonly caused by an extension issue.

In my particular case TypeScript Definition Generator was causing the issue and removing the extension solved it. After the error occurs, close VS and locate ActivityLog. Search the log for any extensions reporting an error and uninstall it. Later, I launched Visual Studio , and this error occurred there as well.

Since I remembered that I saw the error in Management Studio first, I checked, and there was a similar folder at. This folder was not empty. I closed both Visual Studio and Management Studio, and deleted the files from this folder.

I had this problem after installing Crystal Reports for Visual Studio. I solved it by closing all Visual Studio instances and reinstalling Crystal Reports. My issue was Mysql connector net 6. If you have Nuget package did not load correctly error – Remove Nuget folder in Local and Roaming directories. Backup the following Folder. Go to install 2. Modify 3. Go to “Installation location” tab 4. Check “keep download cache after the installation” 5. For Visual Studio , I got this error and able to fix it just by enable the Live Share extension from extensions.

In the visual studio installer there was a warning that live share was not installed correctly and a modification was pending, that would download live share again.

I had the same problem for Visual Studio v One more solution that worked for my colleague after trying all the others that did not work for Visual Studio Rationale: If you had older versions of Visual Studio installed previously, they will come with their own NETFX Tools which might not uninstall correctly together with those older instances of Visual Studio. The new Visual Studio will for some reason pick the old Tools and fail using them. Removing the redundant directories fixes it.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Collectives. Learn more about Teams. How can I fix the Microsoft Visual Studio error: “package did not load correctly”?

Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. Modified 4 months ago. Viewed k times. As Visual Studio started, it generated an error shown by this attached image, The ‘Microsoft. EditorPackage’ package did not load correctly. Continue to show this error message? This error also appears in Visual Studio Dua Ali Dua Ali 2, 3 3 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges.

Read that error carefully: “You can get more information by examining the file One thing to check before doing deeper analysis – “Is there enough free space on the disk”? Followed the steps in solution from dinesh below, and error went away. Don’t know if it was the steps, or simply opening Visual Studio a second time. Show 1 more comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Trending recent votes count more Date modified newest first Date created oldest first.

I’m having the same issue in VS but there doesn’t appear to be any ComponentModelCache folder though. Perhaps it goes by a different name in newer versions of Visual Studio? I’m having this problem on my fresh install of Visual Studio Have added folder that was created for VS , might want to try and see. Show 10 more comments. After trying various solutions, eventually this worked for me: close all Visual Studio instances, and run this from the command line possibly with administrator rights : devenv.

Alan Macdonald 1, 19 19 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges. This worked for me, I think there’s an issue with one of the productivity power tools extensions after latest VS update — Sean T. This worked for me and I ran VS command prompt in admin mode. This Developer Command Prompt takes care of that. It was installed with VS and was in the start menu in my case. This worked for me, I have VS Emptying cache or rewriting roaming didn’t work for me — Fabrice T. Show 7 more comments. Close Visual Studio.

Peter Mortensen Reza Ebrahimi Reza Ebrahimi 3, 1 1 gold badge 27 27 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. This worked with visual studio community edition also. It caused the deleted files to be created again.


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Dear Juan. Welcome to the MSDN forum. According to the error message, it looks like you used the web installer vieual install. If not, please verify the integrity of the ISO file. Meanwhile, please make sure you already followed the installation tips as below:.

Windows update already up-to-date. Disable any anti-virus. Run the installer as administrator. If this issue still persists, I need your help to the VS installation log. After using it, you sstudio find vslogs. Best regards. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE microsoft visual studio 2015 shell (minimum) interop assemblies download free download participate the survey.

Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered microsoft visual studio 2015 shell (minimum) interop assemblies download free download. Archived Forums. Visual Studio Setup and Installation. Duran 0. Sign in to vote. When I’m trying to update to Update 3 I receive this error Log file Edited by Juan. Duran Friday, July нажмите чтобы увидеть больше, AM. Friday, July 8, AM. I’ll do all that steps. But for my solution I’ll do the next: 1- All updates free Windows update.

Thanks and bye! Marked as answer by Juan. Duran Tuesday, July 12, AM. Tuesday, July 12, AM. Meanwhile, please make sure you already followed the installation tips as below: 1. Windows update already up-to-date 2. Disable any anti-virus 3. Best regards, Sara We are trying to better understand customer вот ссылка on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Monday, July 11, AM. Gracias, tenia el mismo problema :. Tuesday, December 13, AM.


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