How to Build a Personal Website: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide ().

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Web analytics is the measurement, collectionanalysisbuilding a web site for dummies pdf free reporting of web data to understand and optimize web usage. Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print or broadcast advertising campaigns.

It can be used to estimate how traffic to a website changes after launching a new advertising campaign. Web analytics provides information about the number of visitors to a website and the number of page views, or create user behavior profiles.

Most web building a web site for dummies pdf free processes come down to four essential stages or steps, [3] which are:.

Another essential function developed by the analysts for the optimization of the websites are the experiments. Each stage impacts or can impact i. So, sometimes the data that is available for collection impacts the online strategy. Other times, the online strategy affects the data collected. There are at least two categories of web analytics, off-site and on-site web analytics.

Historically, web analytics has been used to refer to on-site visitor measurement. However, this meaning has become eite, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories. Many different vendors provide on-site web analytics software and services. There are two main technical ways of collecting the data. The first and traditional method, server log file analysisreads the logfiles in which the web server records file requests by browsers.

The second method, page tagginguses JavaScript embedded in the webpage to make image requests to a third-party analytics-dedicated server, whenever a webpage is rendered by a web browser or, if desired, when a mouse click occurs. Both collect data that can be processed to produce web traffic reports.

The fundamental goal of web analytics is to collect and analyze data related to web traffic and usage patterns. The data mainly comes from download games pc sources: [4]. Web servers record some of their transactions in a log file. It was soon realized that these log files could be read by a program to provide data on the popularity of the website. Thus arose web log analysis software. In the early s, website statistics consisted primarily of weh the number of client requests or hits made to the frse server.

This was a reasonable method initially since each website often consisted of a single HTML file. Two units of measure were introduced in the mids to gauge sige accurately the amount of human activity on web servers. These were page views and visits or buolding. A page читать статью was defined as a request made to the web server for a page, bujlding opposed to a graphic, while a visit was нажмите чтобы перейти as a sequence of requests from a uniquely identified client that expired after a certain amount of inactivity, usually 30 minutes.

The emergence of search engine spiders and robots in the late s, along with web proxies and building a web site for dummies pdf free assigned IP addresses for large companies and ISPsmade it more difficult to identify unique fod visitors to a website. Log analyzers responded by sitf visits by cookiesand by ignoring requests from known spiders. The extensive use of web caches also presented a problem for log file analysis. If a person revisits a page, the second request will often be retrieved from the browser’s cache, and so no request will be received by the web server.

This means продолжить the person’s path through the site is lost. Caching can be defeated by configuring the web server, but this can result in degraded performance for the visitor and bigger load on the servers.

Concerns about the accuracy of log file analysis in the presence of caching, and the desire to be able to pxf web analytics as an outsourced service, led to the second data collection method, page tagging or ” web beacons “.

In the mids, Web counters were commonly seen — these were images included in a web page that showed the number of times the image had been requested, which was an estimate of the number of visits to that page.

In the late s, this concept evolved to include a small invisible image instead of a visible one, and, by using JavaScript, to pass along with the image request certain information about the page and the visitor. This information can then be processed remotely by a web analytics company, and extensive statistics generated. The building a web site for dummies pdf free analytics service also manages the process of assigning a cookie to the user, which can uniquely identify them during their visit and in subsequent visits.

Cookie acceptance rates vary significantly between websites and may affect the quality of data collected and reported. Collecting website data using a third-party data collection server or even an in-house data collection server requires an additional DNS lookup building a web site for dummies pdf free the user’s computer to determine the IP fref of the collection ;df. On occasion, delays in completing successful or failed DNS lookups may result in data not being collected.

With the increasing popularity of Ajax -based solutions, an alternative to the use of an invisible image is to building a web site for dummies pdf free a call back to the server from the rendered page. In this case, when the page is rendered on the web browser, a piece of JavaScript code would call back to the server and pass information about the client that fgee then adobe after effects cs5 download full free download aggregated by a web analytics company.

Both logfile analysis programs and page tagging solutions are readily available to companies that wish to perform web analytics. In some cases, the same web analytics company will offer both approaches. The question then arises of which method a company should choose. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Logfile analysis is almost always performed in-house. Page tagging can be performed in-house, but it is more often provided as a third-party service.

The economic difference between these two models can also be a consideration for a company deciding which to purchase. Which solution is cheaper to implement depends on the amount of technical dumnies within the company, the vendor chosen, the amount of activity seen on the websites, the depth and type of information sought, and the number of distinct websites needing statistics.

Regardless building a web site for dummies pdf free the vendor solution or data collection method employed, the cost of web visitor analysis and interpretation should also be included. That is, the cost of turning raw data into actionable information. This can be from the use of third party consultants, the hiring of an experienced web analyst, or the training of a suitable in-house person. A cost-benefit analysis can vree be performed.

For example, what revenue increase or cost savings can be gained by analyzing the web visitor data? Some companies produce solutions that collect data through both log files and page tagging and can analyze both kinds. By using a hybrid method, they duummies to produce more accurate statistics than either method on its own. An early hybrid solution was produced in by Rufus Evison.

With IP geolocationit is possible to track visitors’ locations. Using an IP geolocation database or API, visitors can be geolocated to city, region, or country level. IP Intelligence, or Internet Protocol IP Intelligence, is a technology that maps the Internet and categorizes IP addresses by parameters such as geographic location country, region, state, city and postcodeconnection type, Internet Service Provider ISPproxy information, and more.

The first generation of IP Intelligence was referred to as geotargeting or geolocation technology. This information is used by businesses for online building a web site for dummies pdf free segmentation building a web site for dummies pdf free applications such as online advertisingbehavioral targetingcontent localization or website localizationdigital rights managementpersonalizationonline builcing detection, localized search, enhanced analytics, global traffic management, and content distribution.

Click analyticsalso known as Clickstream is a special type of web analytics that gives special attention to clicks. Commonly, click analytics focuses on on-site analytics.

An editor of a website uses click analytics to determine the performance of his or her particular site, with regards to where the users of the site are clicking. Also, click analytics may happen real-time or “unreal”-time, depending on the type of information sought. Typically, front-page editors on high-traffic news media sites will want to monitor their pages in real-time, to optimize the content.

Editors, designers or other types of stakeholders may analyze clicks on a wider time frame to help them assess performance of writers, design elements or advertisements etc. Data about clicks may be gathered in at least two ways.

Ideally, a click is “logged” when it occurs, and this method requires some functionality that picks up relevant information when the event occurs.

Alternatively, one may institute the assumption that a page view is a result of a click, and therefore log a simulated click that led to that page view. Customer lifecycle analytics is a visitor-centric approach to measuring that falls under the umbrella of lifecycle marketing. Customer lifecycle analytics attempts to connect all the data points into a marketing funnel that can offer insights into visitor behavior and website optimization.

Other methods of data collection are sometimes used. Packet sniffing collects data by sniffing the network traffic passing between the web server and the outside world. Packet sniffing involves no changes to the web pages or web servers.

Integrating web analytics into the webserver software itself is also possible. There are no globally agreed definitions buildding web analytics as the industry bodies have been trying to agree on definitions that are useful and definitive for some time.

However, many terms are used in consistent building a web site for dummies pdf free from one major analytics tool to another, so the following list, based on those conventions, can be a useful starting point:.

Frer web analytics is based on open data analysis, social media exploration, share of voice on web properties. It is usually used to understand how to market a site by identifying the keywords tagged to this site, either from social media or from other websites. The hotel problem is generally the first problem encountered by a user of web analytics. The problem is that the unique visitors for building a web site for dummies pdf free day in a month do not add up to the same total as the unique visitors for that month.

This appears to an inexperienced user to be a problem in whatever analytics software they are using. In fact it is a simple property of the metric definitions. The way to picture the situation is feee imagining a hotel. The hotel has two rooms Room A and Room Building a web site for dummies pdf free.

As the table shows, the hotel has two unique users each day over three days. The sum of the totals with respect to the days is therefore six. During the period each room has had two unique users. The sum of the totals with respect to the rooms is therefore four. Actually only three visitors have been in the hotel over this period. The problem is that a person who stays in a room for two nights will get counted twice if they are counted once on each day, but are only counted once if the total for the period is looked at.

Any software for web analytics will sum these correctly for the chosen time period, thus leading to the problem when a user tries to compare the totals. As the internet has matured, the proliferation of automated bot traffic has become an increasing problem for the reliability of web analytics.

Jointly, this incidental triggering of web analytics events impacts interpretability of data and inferences made upon that data. IPM provided a proof of concept of how Google Analytics as well as their competitors are easily triggered by common bot deployment strategies.


“How to Create a Website” – a Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


In English the name is typically rendered as the theory of inventive problem solving , [3] [4] and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS. Following Altshuller’s insight, the theory developed on a foundation of extensive research covering hundreds of thousands of inventions across many different fields to produce a theory which defines generalizable patterns in the nature of inventive solutions and the distinguishing characteristics of the problems that these inventions have overcome.

An important part of the theory has been devoted to revealing patterns of evolution and one of the objectives which has been pursued by leading practitioners of TRIZ has been the development of an algorithmic approach to the invention of new systems , and to the refinement of existing ones.

TRIZ includes a practical methodology , tool sets, a knowledge base , and model-based technology for generating innovative solutions for problem solving. It is useful for problem formulation, system analysis , failure analysis , and patterns of system evolution.

There is a general similarity of purposes and methods with the field of pattern language , a cross discipline practice for explicitly describing and sharing holistic patterns of design. TRIZ practitioners apply all these findings in order to create and to improve products, services, and systems. TRIZ in its classical form was developed by the Soviet inventor and science fiction writer Genrich Altshuller and his associates. His job was to help with the initiation of invention proposals, to rectify and document them, and to prepare applications to the patent office.

During this time he realized that a problem requires an inventive solution if there is an unresolved contradiction in the sense that improving one parameter impacts negatively on another. He later called these “technical contradictions”. His work on what later resulted in TRIZ was interrupted in by his arrest and sentencing to 25 years in the Vorkuta Gulag labor camps. The arrest was partially triggered by letters which he and Raphael Shapiro sent to Stalin , ministers and newspapers about certain decisions made by the Soviet Government, which they believed were erroneous.

By , Altshuller had reviewed about 40, patent abstracts in order to find out in what way the innovation had taken place and developed the concept of technical contradictions, the concept of ideality of a system, contradiction matrix, and 40 principles of invention.

In the years that followed he developed the concepts of physical contradictions, SuField analysis structural substance-field analysis , standard solutions, several laws of technical systems evolution , and numerous other theoretical and practical approaches.

Altshuller also observed clever and creative people at work: he uncovered patterns in their thinking, and developed thinking tools and techniques to model this “talented thinking”. Altshuller was appointed the head of the lab by the society. From Altshuller switched his attention away from technical TRIZ, and started investigating the development of individual creativity.

He also developed a version of TRIZ for children, which was trialed in various schools. Following the end of the Cold War , the waves of emigrants from the former Soviet Union brought TRIZ to other countries and drew attention to it overseas. TRIZ presents a systematic approach for understanding and defining challenging problems: difficult problems require an inventive solution, and TRIZ provides a range of strategies and tools for finding these inventive solutions.

One of the earliest findings of the massive research on which the theory is based is that the vast majority of problems that require inventive solutions typically reflect a need to overcome a dilemma or a trade-off between two contradictory elements.

The central purpose of TRIZ-based analysis is to systematically apply the strategies and tools to find superior solutions that overcome the need for a compromise or trade-off between the two elements. By the early s two decades of research covering hundreds of thousands of patents had confirmed Altshuller’s initial insight about the patterns of inventive solutions and one of the first analytical tools was published in the form of 40 inventive principles, which could account for virtually all of those patents that presented truly inventive solutions.

Following this approach the “Conceptual solution” shown in the diagram can be found by defining the contradiction which needs to be resolved and systematically considering which of the 40 principles may be applied to provide a specific solution which will overcome the “contradiction” in the problem at hand, enabling a solution that is closer to the “ultimate ideal result”. The combination of all of these concepts together — the analysis of the contradiction, the pursuit of an ideal solution and the search for one or more of the principles which will overcome the contradiction, are the key elements in a process which is designed to help the inventor to engage in the process with purposefulness and focus.

One of the tools which evolved as an extension of the 40 principles was a contradiction matrix [14] in which the contradictory elements of a problem were categorized according to a list of 39 factors which could impact on each other. The combination of each pairing of these 39 elements is set out in a matrix for example, the weight of a stationary object, the use of energy by a moving object, the ease of repair etc.

Each of the 39 elements is represented down the rows and across the columns as the negatively affected element and based upon the research and analysis of patents: wherever precedent solutions have been found that resolve a conflict between two of the elements, the relevant cells in the matrix typically contain a sub-set of three or four principles that have been applied most frequently in inventive solutions which resolve contradictions between those two elements.

The main objective of the contradiction matrix was to simplify the process of selecting the most appropriate Principle to resolve a specific contradiction. It was the core of all modifications of ARIZ till But in , after introducing the concept of physical contradictions and creating SuField analysis, Altshuller realized that the contradiction matrix was comparatively an inefficient tool and stopped working on it.

Beginning ARIZc contradiction matrix ceased to be the core of ARIZ and therefore was not a tool for solving inventive problems that Altshuller believed should be pursued. Physical contradictions and separation principles as well as SuField analysis, etc. Despite this, the 40 principles of invention has remained the most popular tool taught in introductory seminars and has consistently attracted the most attention amongst the tens of thousands of individuals who visit TRIZ-focused web sites in a typical month.

ARIZ is an algorithmic approach to finding inventive solutions by identifying and resolving contradictions. This includes the “system of inventive standards solutions” which Altshuller used to replace the 40 principles and contradiction matrix, it consists of SuField modeling and the 76 inventive standards. A number of TRIZ-based computer programs have been developed whose purpose is to provide assistance to engineers and inventors in finding inventive solutions for technological problems.

Some of these programs are also designed to apply another TRIZ methodology whose purpose is to reveal and forecast emergency situations and to anticipate circumstances which could result in undesirable outcomes.

One of the important branches of TRIZ is focused on analysing and predicting trends of evolution in the characteristics that existing solutions are likely to develop in successive generations of a system. Altshuller has shown that at the heart of some inventive problems lie contradictions one of the basic TRIZ concepts between two or more elements, such as, “If we want more acceleration, we need a larger engine; but that will increase the cost of the car,” that is, more of something desirable also brings more of something less desirable, or less of something else also desirable.

These are called technical contradictions by Altshuller. He also defined so-called physical or inherent contradictions: More of one thing and less of the same thing may both be desired in the same system. For instance, a higher temperature may be needed to melt a compound more rapidly, but a lower temperature may be needed to achieve a homogeneous mixture. An inventive situation which challenges us to be inventive, might involve several such contradictions. Conventional solutions typically “trade” one contradictory parameter for another; no special inventiveness is needed for that.

Rather, the inventor would develop a creative approach for resolving the contradiction, such as inventing an engine that produces more acceleration without increasing the cost of the engine. Altshuller screened patents in order to find out what kind of contradictions were resolved or dissolved by the invention and the way this had been achieved.

From this he developed a set of 40 inventive principles and later a matrix of contradictions. Columns refer to typical undesired results. Each matrix cell points to principles that have been most frequently used in patents in order to resolve the contradiction.

For instance, Dolgashev mentions the following contradiction: increasing accuracy of measurement of machined balls while avoiding the use of expensive microscopes and elaborate control equipment. The matrix cell in row “accuracy of measurement” and column “complexity of control” points to several principles, among them the Copying Principle, which states, “Use a simple and inexpensive optical copy with a suitable scale instead of an object that is complex, expensive, fragile or inconvenient to operate.

A screen with a grid might provide the required measurement. As mentioned above, Altshuller abandoned this method of defining and solving “technical” contradictions in the mid s and instead used SuField modeling and the 76 inventive standards and a number of other tools included in the algorithm for solving inventive problems, ARIZ. Altshuller also studied the way technical systems have been developed and improved over time.

From this, he discovered several trends so called Laws of Technical Systems Evolution that help engineers predict the most likely improvements that can be made to a given product. The most important of these laws involves the ideality of a system. One more technique that is frequently used by inventors involves the analysis of substances, fields and other resources that are currently not being used and that can be found within the system or nearby.

TRIZ uses non-standard definitions for substances and fields. Altshuller developed methods to analyze resources; several of his invention principles involve the use of different substances and fields that help resolve contradictions and increase ideality of a technical system.

For instance, videotext systems used television signals to transfer data, by taking advantage of the small time segments between TV frames in the signals.

SuField analysis produces a structural model of the initial technological system, exposes its characteristics, and with the help of special laws, transforms the model of the problem. Through this transformation the structure of the solution that eliminates the shortcomings of the initial problem is revealed. SuField analysis is a special language of formulas with which it is possible to easily describe any technological system in terms of a specific structural model.

A model produced in this manner is transformed according to special laws and regularities, thereby revealing the structural solution of the problem. ARIZ algorithm of inventive problems solving is a list of about 85 step-by-step procedures to solve contradictions, where other tools of TRIZ alone Sufield analysis , 40 inventive principles , etc.

Although TRIZ was developed from the analysis of technical systems, it has been used widely as a method for understanding and solving complex management problems. Examples include finding additional cost savings for the legal department of a local government body: the inventive solution generated was to generate additional revenue [insert reference to cost-cutting in local government case study]. Case studies on the use of TRIZ are difficult to acquire as many companies believe TRIZ gives them a competitive advantage and are reluctant to publicise their adoption of the method [ citation needed ].

TRIZ is now an obligatory skill set if you want to advance within Samsung”. ETRIA is developing a web-based collaborative environment targeting the creation of links between any and all institutions concerned with conceptual questions pertaining to the creation, organization, and efficient processing of innovation knowledge and innovation technologies. TRIZ is considered as a cross-disciplinary , generic methodology , but it has not previously been presented in terms of logic or any other formal knowledge representation.

The Association holds conferences with associated publications. ETRIA has the following goals : [ citation needed ]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Problem-solving tools. This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Main article: Laws of technical systems evolution. Philosophy portal Psychology portal. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. Retrieved 2 October Real Innovation Network. Archived from the original on 26 September American Journal of Applied Sciences. Journal of Cleaner Production. Archived from the original on Retrieved Archived from the original on 26 July Retrieved 3 October Archived from the original on 12 June Retrieved 4 October Archived PDF from the original on Manufacturing Engineer.

TRIZ for Engineers. United Kingdom: Wileys. ISBN



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